Ludum Dare #52 Entry - Theme Harvest

Game Name: Warvest

Description: Farming is such a cool thing, huh? You just need to take care of the crops and.. what? why are the crops fighting back? This is Warvest now. Grow your crops, dodge the bullet hell and attack them, I mean, harvest them.


  • Moves with WASD
  • Press Shift to Dodge Roll
  • Press Space to Attack

Break Boxes and Harvest Mature Crops, while you try to evade the VeggieShots and achieve the higgest score you can!

Veggies left on the floor will Spawn new crops. Veggies you pick up will count points and build up your Combo Meter.


PixelArt: Erivas SoulAres
Developer: Erivas SoulAres
Design: Erivas SoulAres & Nany SoulAres
Sound and music curatorship: Nany SoulAres


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Muito bom, parece fácil mas a dificuldade escalona aos poucos e vai ficando cada vez mais legal de jogar